

Reply To: Angela’s progress


Berlin Embroidery Designs – Tanja Berlin

Hi Angela

Thank you for posting the picture, I see you have got quite a bit done already.

I do not think you have to take out the dark brown satin stitch even though the edges off the satin stitch are a little uneven the French knots and the body that borders the satin stitch will cover the uneven edges. There is a triangle area off the dark brown satin stitch which you can fill as you by mistake missed it, I have circled it in the picture below.

With your split stitch line on the cracks, it looks like you worked back stitch instead of a split stitch line or your tension is a bit loose as a couple of the lines look a little uneven but it is hard to see because of the angle you took the photo. Next time can you take the photo from above so I can see the stitching clearer. You do not need to take out the cracks that you’ve done so far because the French knots will border the cracks and you will not notice if the line is uneven.

When it comes to the toes the stitches were not quite close enough together which gives them a bit of uneven look and the right of the left foot got very large. I would suggest that you re-stitch the toes.

The quickest and easiest method of taking the stitches out on the toes is to turn the frame upside down and very carefully cut through the stitches at the back of the work without cutting the fabric and then pull out the stitches from the front with tweezers, this is quicker and puts less stress on the fabric compared to putting out each stitch individually, but you must be careful not to cut the fabric.

Then please work the split stitch line around the left toe on the left foot and work the first row of satin stitch on the toe and post a picture. When working the satin stitch, keep the stitches very close together on the outside of the split stitch line and keep the same angle across the toe. I would like to check the satin stitch before you continue with the 2nd row.

The toes should take quite a bit of time, even though they are small they are quite fiddly to get the stitches in the right place; you may have to play around with magnification if you cannot see the stitches very well. Sometimes wearing a pair of reading glasses over your regular glasses can improve the magnification.

Some of your anchoring stitches are a little long could you make them smaller; the anchoring stitch should be sewn over a one or two threads of the fabric  and then they will be easier to cover when you work the split stitch line cracks.  You do not have to take the anchoring stitches out and unless they are for the toes.

Please do not feel discouraged it is better to get you back on track and you do not have to take out all the stitching.

If you have any questions before you continue please let me know,
