My Teaching Trip on Prince Edward Island
/ Jul232018I have just returned from a week long teaching trip on Prince Edward Island teaching for the Embroiderers Association of Canada national seminar called Bridging Stitches and put on by the Virtual Threads group of the EAC.
For four of the days I taught the Needle Painting Chipmunks to 15 enthusiastic stitches who worked hard and produced some beautiful results.
In our class we also had Neville who is 8 years old and is Edie’s service dog. He is a great member of the class, very relaxed and calm.
Below the ladies are pointing to the cameras but Neville isn’t too much into photos being taken, much like my dogs, after 8 years of being popular and getting your photo taken, it isn’t much fun anymore or else he’s looking for attention from the ladies instead 🙂
Ladies working hard on their embroidery.
Well not all of them, I catch Gail on her phone lol,
We had a day off halfway through the week and I took a lovely tour of the Island. There was some impressive wild flowers and it is a good time of the year to go to Prince Edward Island, it was lovely and warm all week. In the background you can see the 8 mile bridge from the island to the main land.
Below is the is the embroidery that I taught during the week. The kit will be available in a few months and I will email a notification when it is available so be sure to join my email newsletter to receive the notification.
The Chipmunks are an advanced embroidery so I suggest working one of my beginners and/or intermediate needle painting designs first.