

Reply To: Student Introductions on the Woodpecker Online Class Forum

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Hi everyone, my name is Kristin and I live with my husband and 2 teenage daughters just outside of Washington DC, in Northern Virginia.  I was originally taught to do cross-stitch by my aunt, when I temporarily went to live with her in Denmark when I was 10 years old.  I didn’t bring any ‘hobbies’ with me and she decided she wasn’t going to have me hanging around her all the time!  It obviously worked and I’ve done it on and off ever since.  I’m originally from England but have been here in the US for around 11 years.  Since we moved here I’ve branched out into Silversmithing and trying to expand my needlework skills beyond just cross stitching – I did some Goldwork in a course with the Smithsonian museums (which is where Tanja was recommended) and also recently did a more general online course with the RSN.  A silver lining of Covid has definitely been more online courses being available (or maybe me being more aware of them!) – has definitely helped to keep me sane 🙂   I’m really looking forward to doing this piece and needle painting is something I’ve wanted to have a go at for a long time.