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Berlin Embroidery Designs – Tanja Berlin
Hi Angela
On the second row of satin stitch, bring the needle up through the stitch of the previous row and take the stitch down over the split stitch line as the stitches will blend nicer and it’s also easier to make an even edge on the outside of the split stitch line as you can see where to take your needle down.
The reason why you come up from underneath the stitch and split the stitch with the needle is because it will pull the fibers of the thread through the hole created in the previous stitch and close the hole compared to if you took the needle down through the stitch from above, which pulls a hole in the stitch so the two stitches do not blend as nicely.
So the rule is on the second row of satin stitch or long and short stitch you always come up from underneath the stitches of the previous row, split a stitch from underneath and take the stitch down over this split stitch line or into the unworked area of the design.