Pictures of Hapsburg Lace Embroideries by Customers
Hapsburg Lace Embroideries by Customers
Members of the “Hanging By A Thread” chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America in Placerville, California worked the bookmark in a variety of canvas and thread colours.
The members met via ZOOM to work the bookmark.
“Hanging By A Thread” has a blog page if you would like more information about the guild:
Gillian adapted the Hapsburg Lace bookmark into a pouch for her thread cutter pendant.
She used purse closure magnets for the flap to close the pouch. The magnet is in a plastic mesh which you can cut to fit and sew in place.
Hapsburg Lace Bookmark Stitched and Adapted by Gillian Kirby in Newfoundland, Canada
“My first attempt at Hapsburg lace and a new and very enjoyable hobby.”
Hapsburg Lace Bookmark Stitched by Dorothy Forrester in Ontario, Canada
Hapsburg Lace Bookmark Stitched by Irene Lacharite in the Alberta, Canada
“For my Hapsburg lace canvaswork bookmark I have chosen very similar colours to Tanja’s original. I managed to find a beautiful dusky pink silk ribbon, and some purply beads which work perfectly with it”
Hapsburg Lace Bookmark Stitched by Sylvia L in the United Kingdom
“Enjoyed doing this bookmark in pearl cotton on canvas. It is the sort of project which is a ‘take-a-long’ piece. It was fun to do.”
Hapsburg Lace Bookmark Stitched by Nancy Shamanna in Alberta, Canada
“The Hapsburg Lace Eyelets and Lace are embellished with small beads throughout the needlework and frame. It is matted with a gold insert and simple black frame. The beads really made this picture pop. Everyone comments on how beautiful it is. Thank you.”
Hapsburg Lace Eyelets and Lace Sampler Stitched by Nancy Joan Thompson In North Dakota, USA
“I found it relaxing to work on and satisfying to see the embroidery grow.”
Hapsburg Lace Maze Sampler Stitched by Ruth Briffett In Ontario, Canada
Hapsburg Lace Maze Sampler Stitched by Maree Ludenia In Australia
“When I first saw it, it caught my eye and I know I had to stitch it. I really and truly enjoyed doing it and proud of it. Hope maybe in the future there will be a “partner piece” to go with it. Am proud of myself for doing it and completing it. It seems I just couldn’t put it down; and any chance I had, it seems it just drew me to it.”
Hapsburg Lace Maze Sampler Stitched by Evelyn Stanish In IL, USA
Hapsburg Lace Maze Sampler stitched by Lois Threlkeld using Valdani Variegated Old Gold Perle Cotton Thread and Gold #8 Kreinik Braid for extra sparkle on 18 count black mono canvas.
Stitched by Embroiderer in TN, USA
“It was interesting to me since I had never framed a piece of canvas work into a bell pull, using the little hangers and I was surprised that the whole project was completed using one ball of pearl cotton”
Hapsburg Lace Mosaic Bands Sampler Stitched by Nancy Shamanna In Alberta, Canada
“I found it relaxing to work on and satisfying to see the embroidery grow.”
Hapsburg Lace Mosaic Sampler Stitched by Ruth Briffett In Ontario, Canada
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Alicia in Spain
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by consuelo in Spain
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Maria Del Valle Olivera in Spain
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Mary in France
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Natitxu in Spain
“I have always loved anything lacy and of course when I saw the Hapsburg Lace sampler on Tanja’s website, I fell in love with it immediately and just had to stitch it. This project was very difficult to put down as it was just so much fun to go from one pattern to the next. Adding those beautiful ribbons to some of those patterns almost made me feel that it was real lace in front of me.”
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Pierrette Pattyn in TN USA
“Needlework samplers are favorites of mine. This Hapsburg Lace Sampler was framed in a simple black frame with black ribbon inserts.”
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Joan Thompson in ND USA
“So many beautiful designs that come with such clear instruction and are a joy to stitch, suitable for different levels of expertise, you will be amazed at how quickly you will gain confidence to tackle a next stage project or another type of technique. The choice of so many all from beginners to more advanced is truly wonderful.”
Hapsburg Lace Sampler Runner Stitched by Terry Whitworth in the UK
If you have stitched one of my designs, I would love to feature a picture of your embroidery on my website.
If you would like your embroidery picture on my website please email me with a picture of your embroidery and optional comment, thanks, Tanja.